It's that time again, people.
This week's Song of the Week this week is a complex instrumental piece based on Bach's 5th and Michelangelo's Pieta. It was composed longhand, carved into pieces of wood I found on the ground while living in the woods outside of Walden pond, and performed on three Moog synthesizers, on in each hand and the other played with my left foot (I used my right to control the Computer).
Just kidding! It's a bass solo. Well, a bass duet, because there's a second track of me playing the same note (open E, of course) at the same tempo for a minute and a half. The main track is slap bass played very fast, loosely based around a scale I made up as I went along. I call it the Halfassian scale. It's improvised, because (as you may have guessed) I don't plan ahead or do second takes.
This is where I again remind you that I can do something better, I just didn't feel like it. Maybe next week.
It'll be up soon. I'm having internet problems.
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