
Friday, March 13, 2009

Song of the Week Week, Part Six

[Song of the Week is a "weekly" feature which is supposed to update every Thursday Friday, but almost never does. In it, Drew records a song, or attempts to record a song, or gives up and writes another movie review.]

So what I'm thinking is, I'm about 7 or eight weeks behind on SotW. And I need an impetus (if that means what I think it means) to do a post every day again, which various factors have been keeping me from doing. So hey, I thinks, I'll just do a Song a day for a week and kill two birds with one incredibly time-consuming stone. I have no idea if I'll actually follow through, but here's part six (of seven, obviously).


I was tired. Tired because I actually worked today and got home really late, but also tired of using guitars. I like to do different things with each of these songs, and all of them this week have been pretty guitar-heavy**. I was trying to think of what I could do besides guitar, and wouldn't take very long to make, and I came up with: guitar.

But, it's not really a guitar. It's a Hawaiian lap steel (guitar), the first electric instrument ever***. Steel guitar has kind of a bad rap because its mainly associated with country music, which is fair, although obviously that's not the instrument's fault. So I wanted to do something different, to prove it, I guess. To defend my little bought-at-a-thrift-store-because-how-often-do-you-come-across-these-for-fifty-bucks-answer-I-don't-know guitar. My original idea was to do something that actually, sounded, you know, Hawaiian (the song's title is an artifact of that), but I didn't really know where to start. My other idea was to do something bluesy, but instead I came up with these kind of freeform experimental lullaby thing, which I like better. Also, at one point this song had words, but it lost them along the way. That's it, I think. I'd probably say more, but hey, tired, remember?

*You can say Hawai'i if you want, but it makes you sounds like a pretentious douche.
**Also lots of covers. I wanted to do another cover, but then I thought, four covers in seven day (especially four in row?). People are gonna know think you can't write your own songs.
***Mine is not actually the first. I imagine that's in a museum somewhere, or burned up in a fire.

Click here to see Part One
Click here to see Part Two

Click here to see Part Three
Click here to see Part Four
Click here to see Part Five

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