Almost a week later and I'm not sure whether I can really recommend Mirrormask. It's cool-looking (and also has really good music), and I like the fact that they used CGI so it's supposed to look unrealistic and creepy, since it'll usually end up that way anyway. As far as riffs on Alice in Wonderland, it's not as good as Pan's Labyrinth but better than Tim Burton's attempt at the story is certainly going to be. I wish someone would carry over my favorite thing about the book, though, which is that it actually operates on dream logic. Nothing makes sense; nothing even comes close to making sense, but everyone, including Alice, acts like nothing all that strange is going on.
I was a little worried going into Food Inc. that it would turn into some hippy vegan preachy thing, but I was glad to be wrong. It's not about why it's wrong to eat meat; in some ways it's not even really about food. Instead, at its most interesting it's about power, and money, and the corporate mindset and how we've unwittingly attached ourselves to this destructive and shortsighted system. But not boring like I made it sound. Watch it.
It's sort of weird that Kevin Smith is back in the news, or that he's in the news at all but anyway, I just ended up seeing Clerks 2
Still, nothing he ever does as a director is going to top An Evening with Kevin Smith, if only for that story about Prince. Seriously, that's the movie you've gotta see.
In case you're too lazy to read all that, I basically said Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton movie) ‹ Kevin Smith movies (except ‹ Mirrormask‹ Pan's Labyrinth‹ Alice in Wonderland (book)