Welcome friends, strangers, and enemies using this blog to blackmail me!
If you are reading this, that means you have lots of free time. You probably either know me personally or heard about me on the news, due to the incredible fame and wealth I will no doubt soon have. You have an itching, burning, inflamed curiosity, which you should probably see a doctor about. You are smarter than the a-ver-age bear and possibly the a-ver-age human. You wish to give me all of your worldly possessions.
But enough about you. Let's talk about me. I started this blog because of my-- I wanted to-- Because I heard you could make money doing this. I'm going to try to get a post up a day, on topics from toothpicks to television to the twenty-some non "T" letters (How many are there?).
Also, about the name. As you may have guessed from The First Post (which I can't figure out how to link to), it's my name for what you call the Internets/ Interweb/ Blagoblag. I was going to go with another, much worse name, that didn't sound like "Internet" but had the same Big Empty Space connotation, but luckily it was taken. Plus it's the name of a James Cameron movie. No, not that one.
Oh, and feel free to comment. I'm not sure, but I think that's how I get that internet money they're all talking about.
P.S. If you can figure out how, you can subscribe to this thing using an RSS doohickey. I use Google Reader, but I'm sure there are other, inferior products that do the same thing.