
Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Is hateses grandpas guitars."

Song of the Week is a "weekly" feature which is supposed to update every Thursday, but almost never does. In it, Drew records a song, or attempts to record a song, or gives up and writes another movie review.

"Gold," Instrumental:

Here's the closest I've come to actual songwriting so far. In a past life, this was a real song, complete with words; I just, um, forgot them. Still, there's actual thought put into almost half this song (the rest is a pair of improvised solos in Halfassian Mode), which is pretty good for me. It's also, for some reason, incredibly long, at over four minutes, especially considering it's incomplete-- were the whole thing to play, it would run something like 6 or 7 (in case you're wondering, this is essentially the beginning and end; the part with words goes between them).

I came up with the main riffs here (the quiet one and the loud one) on accident, on two different occasions, sometime last year. Immediately after coming up with the second (the quiet one), I wrote words, fairly good ones, and forgot most of them an hour later. There's a lesson there, kids.

Other crap: this song was me attempting a one-instrument song after getting fed up with the other song I'm working on (not sure when I'll be finished-- no time soon). It's lo-fi, I think, except I used a computer. The word "gold" is in the version with lyrics, which is why I name it that. It's a slide guitar in open D, and the two main riffs are:

Quiet (played under the verses, which I didn't include):

D |1-1-1-1-0-0-0-0
A |1-1-1-1-0-0-0-0
D |---------------
A |---------------
D |---------------

Loud (sometimes it's slightly different at the end; I'm not terribly fond of "musicianship"):

D |---------|---------|-------------|
A |---------|---------|-------------|
D |-222-5-7-|-222-5-8-|-222-3-5-8-12|
A |-222-5-7-|-222-5-8-|-222-3-5-8-12|
D |-222-5-7-|-222-5-8-|-222-3-5-8-12|

Both of which some better guitar player could probably make sound--what's the word?-- good. For the rest, I just make stuff up.

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