
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

5 Fake Movie Trailers I Found And Wish Was Real Movies.

[For no reazons, 1 am doing this p0st partiall4 in l33t. 1 am told 1t'5 quite teh populars ri6ht no\/\/, & 1 needs teh publicit0rx. 1 gues5 taht aktually counts @5 a reezun. 1 got the idae too doo it @5 a list form Cracked.com.gov.net.url. Lists is forkin additcive, man.]

!. tLoZ: Teh Feature Films

I'd see it, you'd see it, it would make ten billions of your Earth dollars. What's stopping them? Also, where'd IGN get the money for this trailer?

@. eth movie about the Robins which didn't die

This one would be a terrible movie, but it'd be an epic awesomely miniseries. Like DKR, only without the DK, or Smallville without the I've never actually seen Smallville if you have could you please tell me a joke I could use here thanks bye.

#. teh secnod part of HIstroy of teh World P@rt !

It says part one in the name! Pony up, Mel Brooks, or we'll take away all that money we assume you have.

$. hTE tru e stroy of th3 Nazi werewolves werewolfs

The Truth must come out! Otherwise, people won't know the cold, hard truth: the Nazis weren't such nice guys. Shocking, I know.

%. Ladn of teh L0st: teh Movie

Yeah, right. Could you imagine if they actually did this one?

But for seriously, The Colbert Report started out as a fake trailer, so you know, it could happen or something?

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