Friday, July 31, 2009
Untitled 144th Post
I got my hair cut today. I'm pretty sure I don't like it. Maybe I should have just told the guy "long enough to headbang".
Thursday, July 30, 2009
hey yall i dont know if you guys heard but futurama the best show ever is on sale the whole thing for 42.99 usually its like eighty bucks so you know maybe you gets it today cause its awesome and the dvds is great they have commentary and shit on everything so go do it man go do it
Real life,
Very Short Post
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I'm back, bitches (again)
All right, now my other summer class (which didn't decide it would be a pain in the ass until I started trying to do stuff).
In the meantime, here's another thing, which I did whilst procrastinating:
I like this because who knew I could draw? I didn't. Maybe I can only draw when I'm supposed to be doing something else. See you tomorrow.
In the meantime, here's another thing, which I did whilst procrastinating:

Bonus Post,
Real life
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hark, 'tis a glorious day!
Forsooth, the benevolent lord that is Hulu has seen fit to bless us with the gift of Spaced! Verily, 'tis a fine and righteous show, one I have viewed with considerable enjoyment on Digital Video Disc not long ere today. Once I had deigned it fitting to write a review, but it seemed that the moment had long past, given this second chance, I shall try again:
Spaced is good comedy because it's unique. It has a viewpoint and tone that, while not without influence, is more or less unpecedented, and would never truly be seen again, though Wright and Pegg's movies come pretty close. On top of that it's funny and you can watch the whole thing in a day. End.
Spaced is good comedy because it's unique. It has a viewpoint and tone that, while not without influence, is more or less unpecedented, and would never truly be seen again, though Wright and Pegg's movies come pretty close. On top of that it's funny and you can watch the whole thing in a day. End.
Friday, July 17, 2009
This song is good, but I wish the title could have been some kind of pun...
"Heavy Wood":
The idea here was, very simply, so simply that I can't even use the word "originally" to describe it: write a heavy metal song on acoustic guitar. Now, it's gone through several differen incarnations, from a hair-metally thing about the devil and how awesome he is (too dumb), to a story-song about a kid who wants to be a heavy metal singer but can only afford an acoustic guitar (too meta, plus the lyrics weren't great). But despite wanting to go all Bruce Dickinson on all y'alls assets, I realized that doing a whole band or even doing lyrics on the song kind of distracted from the main point, which was riffage with a capital Z*. I think I actually succeeded, despite my recurring problems with recording acoustic guitars (those pops you here are because I was playing too loud).
*Plus I'm starting to realize traditional "songs" give me the most trouble with this. In general, I tend to let my expectations get all f'ed out the a**, and nothing sounds good enough. Rock music has extra problems, since a lot of what makes it work well is the interplay between the band members. What seems to work better for Song of the Week is kookier, more experimental stuff, because it's harder to get expectations with those, and covers, because there you can build on what other people have already done. Speaking of which, the other song I wanted to do this week (but school, etc., you know the story) is weird as shit, but it also has a lot of instruments, so I might end up contradicting myself.
**(Fucked out the asshole)
Pretensious Mutterings,
Song of the Week,
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Song of the Week Week 2 Update
So I think Monday highlighted the "denial" stage, Tuesday the "bargaining" stage, and yesterday the "anger" stage (wait, does anger come before or after bargaining? Whatever, let's just go with it); today I've finnaly accepted that SotWWII just can't happen right now. There's some kind of hard-to-describe mental business I have to do for these, and after stopping for so long I'm finding it hard to get back in the literal and figurative groove. I think while I spent all that time in that class my expectations got all wierd, and I was all, yeah I get back I'll be makings the best songs ever woot, and then this week actually comes around and nothing sounds good enough or I haven't gotten enough sleep or I've slept too late and don't have a lot of time, or my sister's borrowed my computer so I can't do anything anyway, or my parents are making too much noise or preventing me from making too much noise--stuff I can usually work around, but it's just been so long it's like I have to re-learn how. And I still have to write a paper and 5 one-to-two-page answers for a test, and read the second half of a book, and sign up for Fall classes and wow I should really have started all that already.
Hopefully I'll be able to do Song of the Week Week 2 Take 2 in earnest as soon as possible. In the meantime I'm downshifting back to the regular one-song-one-week schedule to fit in more Guitar Hero time*. Expect something tomorrow or Saturday (but not both).
*Short, haven't-yet-finished-the-game review: just get Rock Band 2. It has better songs and they're all in English, except for that one part of "Psycho Killer".
Hopefully I'll be able to do Song of the Week Week 2 Take 2 in earnest as soon as possible. In the meantime I'm downshifting back to the regular one-song-one-week schedule to fit in more Guitar Hero time*. Expect something tomorrow or Saturday (but not both).
*Short, haven't-yet-finished-the-game review: just get Rock Band 2. It has better songs and they're all in English, except for that one part of "Psycho Killer".
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sorry. I'm pissed off because I can hear noise and I'm not the one making it. For some reason it's necessary to have the [random mumbling] TV so loud I can hear every word in another room. I can't work like this. I swear, it's like...[sighs]. Why do I even try to do things?
I'm just gonna do two songs tomorrow, which I wanted to do today but [AAAAAAAAARRRRGGH!]-- I don't know. I'll be in the angry dome.
I'm just gonna do two songs tomorrow, which I wanted to do today but [AAAAAAAAARRRRGGH!]-- I don't know. I'll be in the angry dome.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Song of the Week Week 2! (Part Two)
"X's Theme or X's Lament or Letimotif for X":
(Soundtracking Your Life Part Four). So I'm not sure where this fits into the whole scheme of StYL, but I liked it. Originally* this was a part of a (slightly) longer songer, sort of a takeoff of "One" (Metallica's "One", not the"One" I wrote, or any of the others). Except my version would have been 1 and a half minutes long instead of one and a half hours (Burn!). But then I realized this would stand taller on its own, and decided to cannibalize it for the Sountrackage. And yes, I know that's not what cannibalize actually means. Fu--I mean, sue me.
That said I feel kind of lazy using this. This was recorded at the same time as yesterday's so it's like I didn't even do anything today (it doesn't help that this one is so very short, and only has one instrument with literally zero production). I guess that lazy doesn't mean bad (this is actually pretty good), it just feels like I should be doing more or something?
But let me tell you why. I don't know if there's some kind of clinically definition of exhaustion, but I got maybe five minutes of sleep and drove an hour in a car with no air conditioning (and this car, keep in mind, had been sitting in the midday sun for almost three hours). Most days, when the guitar parts I'd did needed another take or the mike levels on the drums turned everything to mush**, I would ignore the suspicious omnipresent ringing in my ears and just push through it. Today I'm just glad I already had something in the can. See you tomorrow, if I can still move.
* Try and find a Song of the Week post not containing that word.
**God, you should be glad you don't have hear that.
Oh, right, about the song.
I'm not entirely sure what a leitmotif is supposed to sound like, but this totally is one. As a bonus, it also bears a passing resemblance to "Dread" (normally that'd have a link), from earlier, so it gives the whole project a little more cohesion. I'm not sure whose or whats theme music this is, but it seems like it would fit a place more than a person, especially a place you're not too fond of (hint school hint hint/ been made more money wherever I went/ rollin' in green like I'se lives at the mint*/ some something blahdy blah blah spent), or someplace you find depressing (like I'm not sure where/ but when I get there/ I'm dropping more dollas than I can spare/ I spend it on ice/ I spend it coke/ Just a couple months 'til I be broke). Now what was I talking about?
*'Cause mints are green so it's a pun. I am the world's greatest rapper!
[This song can only be downloaded by downloading the full album. To see the page for this track, go here.]
Rerelease Notes: Same recording, but mixed completely different--more echo, less static, more presence blah blah blah.
(Soundtracking Your Life Part Four). So I'm not sure where this fits into the whole scheme of StYL, but I liked it. Originally* this was a part of a (slightly) longer songer, sort of a takeoff of "One" (Metallica's "One", not the"One" I wrote, or any of the others). Except my version would have been 1 and a half minutes long instead of one and a half hours (Burn!). But then I realized this would stand taller on its own, and decided to cannibalize it for the Sountrackage. And yes, I know that's not what cannibalize actually means. Fu--I mean, sue me.
That said I feel kind of lazy using this. This was recorded at the same time as yesterday's so it's like I didn't even do anything today (it doesn't help that this one is so very short, and only has one instrument with literally zero production). I guess that lazy doesn't mean bad (this is actually pretty good), it just feels like I should be doing more or something?
But let me tell you why. I don't know if there's some kind of clinically definition of exhaustion, but I got maybe five minutes of sleep and drove an hour in a car with no air conditioning (and this car, keep in mind, had been sitting in the midday sun for almost three hours). Most days, when the guitar parts I'd did needed another take or the mike levels on the drums turned everything to mush**, I would ignore the suspicious omnipresent ringing in my ears and just push through it. Today I'm just glad I already had something in the can. See you tomorrow, if I can still move.
* Try and find a Song of the Week post not containing that word.
**God, you should be glad you don't have hear that.
Oh, right, about the song.
I'm not entirely sure what a leitmotif is supposed to sound like, but this totally is one. As a bonus, it also bears a passing resemblance to "Dread" (normally that'd have a link), from earlier, so it gives the whole project a little more cohesion. I'm not sure whose or whats theme music this is, but it seems like it would fit a place more than a person, especially a place you're not too fond of (hint school hint hint/ been made more money wherever I went/ rollin' in green like I'se lives at the mint*/ some something blahdy blah blah spent), or someplace you find depressing (like I'm not sure where/ but when I get there/ I'm dropping more dollas than I can spare/ I spend it on ice/ I spend it coke/ Just a couple months 'til I be broke). Now what was I talking about?
*'Cause mints are green so it's a pun. I am the world's greatest rapper!
[This song can only be downloaded by downloading the full album. To see the page for this track, go here.]
Rerelease Notes: Same recording, but mixed completely different--more echo, less static, more presence blah blah blah.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Song of the Week Week 2! (Part One)
(Yeah, you read that right.)
"2-Note Shuffle":
I've been trying to write stuff that's fairly short, inspired by my new favorite song. This actually has nothing to do with that. I was working on another song but didn't have time to finish it (hooray for school!), and so I started something fairly simple for Soundtracking Your Life, and then I remembered this thing I wrote a long time ago, just this little thing with only two notes. So I hit record, and...actually, that's the whole story.
I think the original version of this is slightly longer, but see above. More tomorrow, probably. Hopefully. Don't hold me too anything. Quit looking at me like that, at least I'm trying. Shut up, I hate you! Get out of my house! [sniff!] (And scene. Now what was I talking about?)
"2-Note Shuffle":
I've been trying to write stuff that's fairly short, inspired by my new favorite song. This actually has nothing to do with that. I was working on another song but didn't have time to finish it (hooray for school!), and so I started something fairly simple for Soundtracking Your Life, and then I remembered this thing I wrote a long time ago, just this little thing with only two notes. So I hit record, and...actually, that's the whole story.
I think the original version of this is slightly longer, but see above. More tomorrow, probably. Hopefully. Don't hold me too anything. Quit looking at me like that, at least I'm trying. Shut up, I hate you! Get out of my house! [sniff!] (And scene. Now what was I talking about?)
Saturday, July 4, 2009
You can never have too many videos.
Happy Birthday, 'Mrka.
Now get back to work, slackers.
Now get back to work, slackers.
Pretensious Mutterings,
Very Short Post,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I'm back, bitches
My stupid class is over! I've been working non-stop for a few weeks now, did I miss anything?
Here is what I learned in a my intensive four-week online self-directed ethics class: if you press Ctrl+Backspace (or +Delete), it deletes the whole word, not just one letter at a time.
Whatever. I'll tell what actually went down later. If you can handle it.
Here is what I learned in a my intensive four-week online self-directed ethics class: if you press Ctrl+Backspace (or +Delete), it deletes the whole word, not just one letter at a time.
Whatever. I'll tell what actually went down later. If you can handle it.
Real life,
Very Short Post
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