
Friday, July 17, 2009

This song is good, but I wish the title could have been some kind of pun...

"Heavy Wood":

The idea here was, very simply, so simply that I can't even use the word "originally" to describe it: write a heavy metal song on acoustic guitar. Now, it's gone through several differen incarnations, from a hair-metally thing about the devil and how awesome he is (too dumb), to a story-song about a kid who wants to be a heavy metal singer but can only afford an acoustic guitar (too meta, plus the lyrics weren't great). But despite wanting to go all Bruce Dickinson on all y'alls assets, I realized that doing a whole band or even doing lyrics on the song kind of distracted from the main point, which was riffage with a capital Z*. I think I actually succeeded, despite my recurring problems with recording acoustic guitars (those pops you here are because I was playing too loud).

*Plus I'm starting to realize traditional "songs" give me the most trouble with this. In general, I tend to let my expectations get all f'ed out the a**, and nothing sounds good enough. Rock music has extra problems, since a lot of what makes it work well is the interplay between the band members. What seems to work better for Song of the Week is kookier, more experimental stuff, because it's harder to get expectations with those, and covers, because there you can build on what other people have already done. Speaking of which, the other song I wanted to do this week (but school, etc., you know the story) is weird as shit, but it also has a lot of instruments, so I might end up contradicting myself.
**(Fucked out the asshole)

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