
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wait, I could have sworn I've done more than six of these


(Soundtracking Your Life, Part Six): This song is very old. I want to say two, three years old, but at the least I know it's older than Song of the Week itself, let alone Soundtracking Your Life. And today I did it.

Once I realized that this project already had a song named "Rose" and another (as-yet-unfinished) named "Rising", I remembered this old idea I had called "Rise" (which mostly consisted of its title as the only lyric, and a sound I describe as "dun-dugga-dun-dukka-dun"). Somehow that became this.

I like to have a story in my head when I'm writing StYL songs. Here the story was that they were trying to summon a monster or something, but nothing was working, so they had to keep starting over and trying something new, hence the start-stop nature of it. By the time I had finished the drums and bass, and played them back, the story seemed very different; it became sort of a war story, which I like because it connects "Rise" with "Two Warriors Meet On an Ancient Battlefield", which sounds similar, and is also about fighting (I've been trying to walk a line of making the songs all fit together very tightly while at the same time being distinctive and unique).

My guitar is broken; you can hear it cut out and back in if you listen closely. Normally I'd rerecord it, but I like the effect, and it fit the chaotic nature of things. It sounded better when I was recording, though. Probably put the microphone in the wrong place.


Rerelease Notes
: This version is largely unchanged; I removed the drum loops because you couldn't really hear them anyway, and I think the effect works better when the drums are "one man, one take," as it were.

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