
Friday, October 24, 2008

Livebloging Rock Band 2: Running Out of Funny Subtitles (Day 5)

7:00 PM

Redoing Setlist that broke last night (Drums, Medium):
"The Middle"-- Didn't 5 star. Oh well.
"Girl's Not Grey"-- Uses the same beat as "Green Grass and High Tides," the song that kept me from beating the first game on medium. At least this one's short.
"Lazy Eye"-- Speaking of endless guitar solos... No, this one's not that bad, but it's a little boring, playing the same thing over and over for a month.
"Our Truth"-- My arms still work, so this must not be a real metal song. The jury's still out on "Testify." It's fun if you're totally lame and not metal (which, apparently, I am).
"Chop Suey"-- My arms aren't tired, but my brain is. 50% of the reasons I wanted to do this set on drums was this song (look down for the other half). It doesn't disappoint.
"Give It All"--This song? Not that other 50%. It's a dumb song, but drumming it is more fun than singing it.
"Colony of Birchmen"-- That was pretty cool I guess.

West Coast Marathon (Vocals, Hard):
"Shackler's Revenge"-- How am I supposed to sing a song no one's ever heard before? I fail. I switch to Guitar. Then I play "Bad Repution" and start over.

"Bad Reputation" (Guitar, Expert): I like to call this song "Freaks and Geeks Theme Song," because, well, guess. Hang on, I have to do something else...8:42: I'm back. OK. Gameplaywise, this is a lot like "I Wanna Be Sedated"-- just play the chords, fast. IT gives you the same "I am cooler than I actually am" feeling I talked about with "White Wedding."

West Coast Marathon (Guitar, Expert):
"Shackler's Revenge"--Failed. This is the first guitar song that's actually been hard, as opposed to unfair ("Rock'n Me") or evil ("Anyway You Want It"). Take three.

West Coast Marathon (Guitar, Hard):
"Shackler's Revenge"-- Now having heard the whole song, it's pretty cool, though it sounds nothing like classic Guns 'N Roses. It sounds, not surprisingly, a lot like Buckethead.
"Chop Suey"-- Ten thumbs up.
"Everlong"-- I have a really good story about this song that I'm not going to share right now. Well, not really really good. A story, anyway. Well, more of an anecdote to illustrate a point. Keep waiting. Also, I get that Seattle is technically on the west coast, but are there really that few LA bands?
"Peace Sells"-- Failed once, passed once. I always thought Megadeth were a bunch of lame butt-rockers, coasting on their frontman's fame and guitar "skill." Now I know they are. Glad I only had to do this song once.
"Souls of Black"--More metal in 5 minutes than Megadeth has recorded in 25 years.
"Battery"--What's with all the thrash in this set? Whatever. This song out-thrashes both other thrashers thoroughly. Thrash thrashety thrash thrash.

Roadie Rockathon (Guitar, Expert):
"Tangled Up In Blue"-- I've tried twice to cover Bob Dylan for SotW, and both missions were aborted. Despite that, I'm not very familiar with this song. It's OK on guitar-- and a refreshing (I literally felt cleaner) break from all the hard rock. But it's a little too long and hard on the wrists. I'm guessing it was included mainly for the Vocals.
"Alive"--Not much harder on Expert than Hard. If you could beat "Even Flow" in Guitar Hero III, you'll have no problem with this one.
"Give It All"-- Still don't like it.
"Let There Be Rock"--Failed. Quit. Looked up "unlock all" code*. Finds out this deactivates achievements. Decides it's not worth it. About the song, it's a minute of no guitar followed by thirty seconds of hard guitar, lather, rinse, repeat. It's every bit as not fun as it sounds. Thankfully, I didn't have to beat the whole set to unlock "Tangled Up In Blue>" I'm taking a break.

*Go to the game modifer screen, and input "RYBRRBBRYB" (I'm assuming you can figure out what the letters stand for).

10:33: Just noticed that my drums and guitar turned themselves off. I'm not gonna stop playing, but I am gonna stop blogging. 'Night, homies.

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