So I finally got around to watching The IIIrd and Final Episode of George Lucas' Star Wars hexology*, and it's... actually pretty good. Not mind-blowingly awesome good, or even Serenity good, or even Lego Star Wars good, but I completely forgot what I was saying.
Oh, right. The only real problem with the movie (the acting and dialogue are still weak, but forgiveable, since the movie's 94 percent CGI anyway) is that I know everything that's going to happen beforehand. We already know who wins every fight, who lives and dies and goes into exile on a swamp planet. The only people who wouldn't know what was going to happen are people who've neer seen the first three (let's call them "future generations").
But when those future generations see the whole six-part shebang of Star Wars for the first time, they can start at the beginning (by which I mean Episode I) and not have to worry about any of that, right? Nope. This one (and, to be fair, the two before it) pretty strongly and blatantly ruins the biggest surprises of the last movie. [If by some strange act of fate you managed to live this long without seeing Episode IV through six, and somehow care about avoiding spoilers, skip to the next paragraph. Luckily no one here has to worry about that, because I have no readers at all, let alone those who've never seen Star Wars]. I mean, they just up and call him Darth Vader halfway through the movie! You see him raised from the dead! You know they're twins! How hard would it be to write the damn movie and still leave some suprises for the unitiates! Or put in some real shockers, like maybe he's not their father at all! Maybe it's R2 or Jar-Jar or Samuel L. Jackson? Come on, man. [Spoilers endeth here]
So either way, no surprises. Not only were the blanks filled in, they were re-filled, in all-caps with a Sharpie, just to make sure nothing was left up to the imagination. Why? What's the point of making something so nonessential? Why can't what happened before A New Hope (once known as Star Wars) just be left up to the imagination? Seriously, what's wrong with that?
Still probably my favorite movie ending in III (suck it, Coppola!).
*Or sexology, if you prefer.
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