
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Slowly catching up on TV reviews, Part I of a Ridiculous Number: [adult swim]

First of all, they changed the website! Still not sure if that's an excited "!" or an angry "!".I figured I'd split these up by show since otherwise they'd be 10 or so pages long. Also I figured I'd start here since the last Morel Orel is tonite tonight (sorry, I just learned how to do strikethroughs in HTML)*.

* It's "del". If you know HTML you know what to do with that.

Drinky Crow Show, "Whale Show" (and "God of Monkeys", sort of):
"Off with their heads! Off with their heads!"-TMBG
I actually watched the first three four of these, but this is the only one I cared enough to blog (wait, did I just use "blog" as a verb?) about it. Like a lot of [as] shows, there's not much I can say about it. I really like the theme song, an the art style, and the totally over-the-top violence-to-end-all-violence gags. But it's not really different than a Saturday morning cartoon, just more gross and violent.

The thing is, it might be shaping up to be something more. "Whale Show" is a pretty big "F You" to the [as] fanbase, and by "F You" I of course mean "Fuck U". "God of Monkeys" has the call to imply the whole show is a dream...in the fourth episode. Admittedly, meta-jokes aren't exactly new to the mininetwork, but this show does it with such a ferocity that it might actually have a point. Or not, I don't know.

Robot Chicken, "Help Me":
"Hang on to my coattails, my less-famous friend!"-Cartoon Oz
Another show I probably won't bring up again, bu I wanted to say how much I liked this one. I liked it a moderate amount, mainly because they managed to sneak a few notes of a certain theme song in when Joss Whedon showed up. Also most of the other sketches were funny, if a little too in-jokey (then again, remember waht show this is).

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