
Thursday, May 28, 2009

I did it!

"Two Warriors Meet On an Ancient Battleground":

(Part three of Soundtracking Your Life). This is the battle theme. Because every great story has a great fight scene, and now you can pretend you're in one! Now every opponent, be it the morning commute* to that crap on your teeth to the giant samurai warrior right in front of you right now as you read this good god why are you still reading this get up and fight man, can seem as important as, I don't know, some kind of Japanese fighting guy. You know, like a ninja or those other guys. The ones with the swords. Jedi, I think they're called.

This one just sort of happened. I was playing drums and came upon this riff I liked (it's the doo-dododo-doo-dododo part), and decided to build a song around it. I was going to give it a more complex arrangement, but everything I tried sounded worse, not better. Maybe if I could afford a gong.

*Provided your morning commute is less than 3 minutes 19 seconds long.

Not sure when the next two will be done. I wrote 2 and a half minutes of one and realized all I had was a great intro to a song, and now I have to write the actual song. The other song I was gonna do (covering this'n before my birthday invalidates it), I decided I couldn't do anything interesting with it. End transmission.

UPDATE, 1/20/2011: The song mentioned in the previous paragraph almost became the last song of year two; issues of guitar tone forced me to scrap it and do "Lower" instead.


Rerelease Notes
: None. This is the same track as above.

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